Many more features are now present, and for a full explication and breakdown of these features, please peruse the Features section below this paragraph. On the editing front, WaveLab now lets you select your own external editor, so you can take full advantage of tools such as SpectraLayers or iZotope RX if you prefer different workflows. The implementation effects have been vastly improved, meaning you can now pitch to your hardware chain and record back to digital with greater ease and flexibility among mastering engineers, this was a highly requested feature, and it is now elegantly handled in WaveLab 10. Video playback support has also been added with drag-and-drop importing, resampling, and dynamic editing of any video’s audio. A reference track has been introduced to the Audio Montage workspace to facilitate quick A/B comparisons now you don’t have to use a third-party plug-in to accomplish glitch-free, latency-free switching between affected and reference tracks. WaveLab Pro 10 picks up where 9.5 left off, offering new features particularly exciting to mastering engineers. The previous iteration also saw improvements to the Render settings, clip-gain implementation, cue-sheet importation, and auto-saving. The previous version of WaveLab came with a customizable spectrogram, an expanded Spectrum Editor, a wavelet visualization display, a new suite of forensic plug-ins, and other new tools for handling errors and artifacts. As such, the software provides tools aplenty for audio analysis, audio restoration, sonic shaping, and other processes integral to the practice of mastering.

WaveLab Pro 10 is designed to aid you in producing audio deliverables for the CD plant, for streaming, or for multichannel platforms.

Steinberg WaveLab 10 Pro is software meant for the mastering process, whether you’re preparing albums, podcasts, interviews, radio programs, or books on tape.