Gameplay follows the canon tradition of the series, allowing you to create your own unique squad by choosing from the classes provided. The main danger comes from the raids of pirates and renegade renegades, which the player group must fight and find out the reasons for such criminal activities in these regions. The locations are populated by Dark Elves who run a trade guild where you can obtain a variety of side quests.

You must explore carefully, without encountering unexplored creatures, or on the contrary, with fights and risks. The story in Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer tells of the unknown island of Jadam, to which the protagonists are heading. The player must assemble a squad of up to four characters to embark on a journey full of dangers and battles with terrifying monsters that populate the universe. This part continues the series of number rows and brings with it changes in game mechanics and graphic components. Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer – is a representative of old-school role-playing games, which sends a group of heroes on an adventure in a fantasy world.